
黃紫盈 Connie Wong是一位專業的直播主持及節目監製,曾製作過以旅遊、飲食及生活等為題的綜藝資訊節目。她曾於無線電視台擔任新聞記者,為新聞節目《香港早晨》及《 311日本東北大地震一周年現場直播》等報導。
Connie熱愛旅遊、攝影及遠足,亦非常關心環境議題。作為 TEDxTongChongSt Countdown的嘉賓主持,她將帶領我們參觀Facebook的香港辦公室,並展示Facebook團隊在可持續發展方面所付出的努力和成果。
Connie Wong is a professional live broadcast host and producer for infotainment programmes on topics related to travel, food, and lifestyle. Previously, Connie was a journalist at TVB, where she was the news presenter for featured news programmes Good Morning Hong Kong, as well as 311 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami One Year Anniversary.
Connie is a keen traveller, photographer, hiker and environment advocate. As the special host for TEDxTongChongSt Countdown, Connie will share her experience visiting the Facebook Hong Kong office and walk us through the amazing environmental-friendly and sustainability efforts made by the Facebook team.
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YouTube www.youtube.com/c/conniewty
Website www.conniewong.hk
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